m1kemu-sec My mostly security-focused thoughts, projects, and rants


Welcome to my personal blog. This space is meant to be a centralized source of information that I want to share with the public that doesn’t necessarily belong on social media platforms or code repositories. This could include tutorials, reviews, general insights, documentation, and probably rants. My primary goal with this project is two-fold: to provide what insights I can on topics that I find interesting in hopes on helping someone out, and to give me a space to document some of my technical work. Of course, it could always grow into something more or less.

I’m a Security Engineer by profession and a Computer Science student at heart, so this will likely be the main topics of posts on this site. With that being said, there are plenty of topics outside of this space that I am always floating in and out of, and may end up deviating. With that, here are some of my main interests (as of January 2020) that I’ll likely post about:

  • Red Teaming
  • Penetration Testing
  • SIEM/Logging
  • Offensive tool development
  • Fitness
  • Outdoorsy stuff
  • Travel


Aside from publishing high quality content on here, I aim to keep this page ethical and inviting to all readers. I’ll cover this more in my first post (outlining why I am starting this), but here’s the jist:

  • As with my code pushes to the public, this content is intended to be used in an ethical manner for the general benefit of everyone. There is no malicious intent. Ever.
  • It is my goal to respect all readers, and to present information in a way that is accessible and readable to everyone.
  • Although these are my authoritative thoughts (I post to the internet with assumption that everyone will read it), my thoughts and opinions change, as I’m sure others do.

About Me

I’ll keep this short since most of my professional credentials are available on LinkedIn (for better or for worse). I hold a BS in Computer Science, several security-related certifications (OSCP, OSCE, Sec+), and hope to pursue an MS in the near future. I’ve done software development, defensive security engineering, and most recently offensive security engineering work. I’m pretty diligent about performing research in my spare time, which mostly pertain to the topics covered in this blog. Hopefully you can get an understanding of what I enjoy outside of “tech stuff” from this blog as well, but that’s mostly personal.

I primarily use Twitter, LinkedIn, and GitHub for social media.

I don’t currently plan to add a contact email address for this site, but that may happen in the future.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to reach out.